World’s largest automated
Khoya plant

At Gyan Dairy, our milk comes from over 3100 collection centers. Following the collection phase, Gyan milk undergoes a transformation in the world’s largest fully automated Khoya plant, using a patented technology.

The Khoya that reaches your hands is crafted within a controlled environment and subjected to 40 meticulous quality assessments.

Gyan Khoya

Our commitment to quality

The rigorous manufacturing process culminates in the inherent sweetness found in Gyan Khoya. It’s not only hygienic and entirely milk-based, but also completely free from any impurities. Additionally, its extended shelf life ensures lasting freshness over months.

  1. Easy to use
  2. Available around the year
  3. 100% dairy based
  4. Long shelf life
  5. Standard quality

The Khoya Range


Texture :

Fat percentage :

35% Min. (On dry matter basis)

Total solids :

61% (Apprx.)

Shelf life :

9 Months (Under frozen condition)

Chikna / Smooth​

Texture :

Fat percentage :

35% Min. (On dry matter basis)

Total solids :

61% (Apprx.)

Shelf life :

9 months (Under frozen condition)

Sweetened Khoya

Texture :

Total solids :
75% (Apprx.)

Shelf life :
9 months (under frozen condition)

Premium Khoya

Texture :
As per requirements

Fat percentage :

38% Min. (On dry matter basis)

Total solids :

65% (Apprx.)

Shelf life :

9 Months (Under frozen condition)

Sweetened khoya
Premium khoya

Premium Khoya

Texture :
As per requirements

Fat percentage :

38% min. (on dry matter basis)

Total solids :

65% (Apprx.)

Shelf life :

9 months (under frozen condition)